CrossAsia Forum

CrossAsia Talk: Forrest McSweeney 20.06.2024

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(See English below) Im Rahmen seines Projektes „Medicine at Arms: Medicine, the State, and the Military in Imperial and Republican China“ forscht unser Referent Herr Forrest McSweeney als SPK-Stipendiat an der Ostasienabteilung. Er wird das Thema am Donnerstag, den 20.06.2024, ab 18 Uhr in seinem Vortrag „Military Medical Legacy: The Impact of Military Drug Distribution on the Pharmaceutical Field in Qing and Early Republican China“ genauer vorstellen. Der Vortrag wird über Webex gestreamt. This presentation will focus on the impact of military drug distribution in the 18th century high-Qing on medical discourse and practice through the 19th century and into…