CrossAsia Forum

Forbidden Books: The Censorship of Chinese Books under the Manchu Qing Dynasty (1770s–1780s)

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Image 1: “Complete Map of the Barbarians in the Four Directions“. – In: Zhang Tianfu 張天復 (d. 1578), “Si yi zongtu” 四夷總圖, in Guang huang yu kao 廣皇輿考, juan 18. – Retrieved from [18.01.2024] (n.p.: Zhang Rumao, 1626), original held by Harvard University. – The book can also be found in the SBB in Siku jinhuishu congkan 四庫禁燬書叢刊 (Beijing: Beijing chubanshe, 2000), “Shibu” 史部, vol. 17, p. 350, SBB-PK: 5 B 33312 17 Gastbeitrag von Dr. Julia C. Schneider For sixty years, the Qianlong emperor (1711–1799, reign 1735–1796) ruled the Manchu Qing dynasty (1636–1912) and is thus one of…