CrossAsia Forum


This reference books collection is great. I can search for a term and see results from different reference books. In this case, I would like to check a few entries to find the best for my purpose. But once I go into an entry by clicking it, because I want further detail than the citation, I cannot come back to the list of results to see the other results. Is there a way to do so? Or do I have to start over the search again? Thank you in advance for advice!

You can use your browsers „back“-button or preferably the „breadcrumb“-navigation you find above the left column (i.e. the column which provides an overview of the preceeding and following entries in the current reference book). Example: „首页 > 检索结果 > 金瓶梅鉴赏辞典 > 服饰饮食 > 二、饮食“ a click on 检索结果 brings you back to your hit list.