CrossAsia Forum

(Un)official Korean Sources on late Koryŏ in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin’s East Asian Collection

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Gastbeitrag von Lukáš Kubík During the mid‑fourteenth century, East Asia experienced a period of profound changes, labelled by researchers as the Great Chinggisid Crisis, corresponding to Europe’s Crisis of the late Middle Ages. This era was marked by significant climate changes, leading to several disasters, including natural calamities, famines, and plagues. These events set the Der Beitrag (Un)official Korean Sources on late Koryŏ in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin’s East Asian Collection erschien zuerst auf SBB aktuell – Das Blog-Netzwerk der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Beiträge für Forschung und Kultur. Weiterlesen